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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.

Photo: Michiel van 't Einde

Lottum, Nederland (Limburg (Nederlands)) - Kerk van de Heilige Gertrudis
Commune: Horst aan de Maas
Adresse: Veerweg 6, 5973 NS, Lottum

Description no.: 1001478.

Bâti par: Verschueren Orgelbouw (2004) - opus 1093
L'orgue comprend le parent le matériel: Pipes de 1881 de Rudolph Randebrock

1881 Rudolph Randebrock  orgue neuf
1925 Gebroeders Vermeulen  conversion
1940 Gebroeders Vermeulen  activités différentes
1947 Gebroeders Vermeulen  orgue neuf
1952 Verschueren Orgelbouw265 conversion
2004 Verschueren Orgelbouw1093 reconstruction

  • In 1881 the German builder Rudolph Randebrock constructed a two-manual organ for the Sint Gertrudiskerk in Lottum. The instrument was equipped with Hahnenladen, a windchest system developed by Randebrock himself. However, there were many problems with it, so the Vermeulen company from Weert converted the organ into a pneumatic organ with cone chests in 1925. The stop list was hardly altered, but Vermeulen did revoice the organ. The compass of the manuals and the pedal was expanded. In 1940, the pipes of the pedal Subbas and Violon were renewed by Vermeulen. During the Second World War, various pieces of furniture from the church were put in storage, including the interior of the organ case.
  • On November 23, 1944 the church building was destroyed by war violence, and the organ case with a part of the pipework was lost. In 1946-1947, Vermeulen installed a temporary organ in the emergency church, built from the remaining material. The Verschueren company completely rebuilt the existing emergency organ in 1952. Consultant was Dr. E. Bruning. The organ was dedicated on February 10, 1952.
  • In 2002, Verschueren started a reconstruction of the original work of Randebrock, which was completed in the summer of 2004. Rogér van Dijk was appointed as consultant for this reconstruction. In the production of the new pipework, examples from existing Randebrock organs were used. The design of the organ case and the register knobs was based on an example by Randebrock in Heddinghausen. The keyboard design is derived from that of the Friedrich Meyer organ in the Sint Joseph Church in Utrecht. The organ was examined on July 28, 2004.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manuaal I8
- Manuaal II4
- Pedaal2
Nombre de jeux total14
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests
Hauteur tonalea' = 446 Hz
TempératureEqual temperament
Presse de Vent74 mm

Manuaal I (C-f'''): Bordun 16', Principal 8' - 1881/2004, Hohlflöte 8', Gamba 8', Octav 4' - 1881, Gedacktflöte 4' - 1881/2004, Mixtur 1-2-3 fach (2') - 1881, Trompete 8'.
Manuaal II (C-f'''): Lieblich Gedackt 8', Salicional 8', Flauto Traverso 4', Flageolet 2'.
Pedaal (C-d'): Subbass 16', Violon 8'.
Accouplements: Manuaal I - Manuaal II, Pedaal - Manuaal I.

Mixtur 1-2-3 fach C: 2'. c°: 2 2/3' - 2'. c': 4' - 2 2/3' - 2'.
Autres données des dispositions
Autres dispositions
  • The original specification of Randebrock was:
    Manual (C-f'''): Bordun 16', Principal 8', Hohlflöte 8', Gamba 8', Octav 4', Gedacktflöte 4', Harmonische Progression 1-2-3 fach, Trompete 8'.
    Positiv (C-f'''): Lieblich Gedackt 8', Salicional 8', Flauto Traverso 4'.
    Pedal (C-d'): Subbaß 16', Violon 8'.
    Manualkoppel, Pedalkoppel, 3 Sperrventile.

  • After the work by Vermeulen (1924-1926), the stop list was:
    Hoofdwerk (C-g'''): Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Open Fluit 8', Bourdon 8', Saliconaal 8', Octaaf 4', Mixtuur I-II-III sterk, Trompet 8'.
    Zwelwerk (C-g'''): Holpijp 8', Gamba 8', Voix Celeste 8' (c°-g'''), Zachte Fluit 4', Basson-Hobo 8'.
    Pedaal (C-f'): Subbas 16', Violon 8', Gedektbas 8'.
    Koppelingen: Manuaal I - Manuaal II, Manuaal I - Manuaal II 16', Manuaal I - Manuaal II 4', Pedaal - Manuaal I, Pedaal - Manuaal II.

  • From 1952 until 2002, the stop list was:
    Manuaal I (C-g'''): Prestant 8', Bourdon 8', Octaaf 4', Gedektfluit 4', Kwint 2 2/3', Octaaf 2', Mixtuur I-II-III sterk, Hobo 8'.
    Manuaal II (in zwelkast) (C-g'''): Salicionaal 8', Holpijp 8', Prestant 4', Fluit 4', Nachthoorn 2', Sesquialter II sterk, Clarinet 8', Tremolo.
    Pedaal (C-f'): Subbas 16', Octaafbas 8', Gedektbas 8' (unit), Prestantbas 4' (unit).
    Koppelingen: Manuaal I - Manuaal II, Manuaal I - Manuaal II 16', Manuaal I - Manuaal II 4', Pedaal - Manuaal I, Pedaal - Manuaal II, Pedaal - Manuaal II 4'.
    Speelhulpen: Automatisch pianopedaal, 1 vrije combinatie, 4 vaste combinaties (p - mf - f - tutti), Tongwerken af.

  • Plechtige inwijding van het nieuwe orgel in de Parochiekerk "H. Maria Geboorte" te Blitterswijk op Zondag 10 februari 1952.
  • Orgels gebouwd door de fa. L. Verschueren c.v. Heijthuijsen in het tijdvak 1951 - 1956. - [Heijthuijsen] : [fa. L. Verschueren c.v.], [1956].
  • Orgelbouwnieuws : Lottum, R.-K. Sint-Getrudiskerk / Rogér van Dijk [red.]. - In: De Orgelkrant, jrg. 7 nr. 4, april 2002.
  • Een droom wordt werkelijkheid : Historie en restauratie van het Randebrock Orgel R.K. Kerk H. Gertrudis te Lottum. - Lottum : Comité Randebrock Orgel, 2004.
  • Orgelbouwnieuws : Lottum, R.-K. Sint-Getrudiskerk / Rogér van Dijk [red.]. - In: De Orgelkrant, jrg. 10 nr. 3, maart 2005.
Enregistrements Rob Waltmans bespeelt de orgels van de H. Petruskerk te Roggel, de H. Gertrudiskerk te Lottum, de H. Moeder Annakerk te Heerlen / Rob Waltmans. - Heuvelland Sound Centre Berg en Terblijt (CD). - 2006.
Lièns https://www.verschuerenorgelbouw.nl/opus1093.html

Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Situatie van 1952 tot 2004. Photo: Verschueren Orgelbouw. Datation: 1952.
Photo: Verschueren Orgelbouw
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Datation: 16 July 2016.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde