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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Dirco Oskam. Datation: 19 July 2015.

Photo: Dirco Oskam

Haarlem, Nederland (Noord-Holland) - Waalse Kerk
Commune: Haarlem
Adresse: Begijnhof 30, 2011 HE, Haarlem
Site Web: https://waalsekerkhaarlem.nl/

Description no.: 1000919.

Bâti par: Johann Caspar Friederichs (1808)

1808 Johann Caspar Friederichs  orgue neuf
1875 Hermanus Knipscheer (II)  expansion
1924 Karel Pieter van Ingen  activités différentes
1965 firma D.A. Flentrop  restauration
2008 Henk van Eeken  restauration
2019 Flentrop Orgelbouw  restauration

  • The building of the Wallonian (French speaking) church in Haarlem is the old Beguine Church, dating from the 13th century. Since 1562 the church is used by the Wallonian community of Haarlem. In 1807-1808 Johann Caspar Friederichs built a new organ for this church. Advisors during the work were P. van Lee en J. Enschedé, members of the church board. On 27 augustus 1808 the organ was delivered, and the next day examined by P. Hoogstraaten and J.P. Schumann, organists in Haarlem.
  • In 1875 the organ was enlarged by Hermanus Knipscheer (the second). The Bovenwerk got a new Viola di Gamba 8' and a Tremulant. The pedal was pulldown, but Knipscheer placed two independant stops on the pedal, a Fagot 16' and a Schalmey 4'. The Bovenwerk was placed in a swell box.
  • All reed stops were renewed in 1924 by Karel Pieter van Ingen. In the years following there must have been worked on the organ, but it is not known by whom and when. In 1959 it was stated that some stops had been moved inside the organ (Gemshoorn 4', Quint 3' and Gedekte Quint 3'), others were missing (Dulciaan 8', Fagot 8' and the Open Fluit 2').
  • In 1964-1965 the firm D.A. Flentrop restored the instrument. The reconstructed the original disposition, removed the swell box and the tremulant, and they made new reeds following the scales of the other Friederichs organs. The Viola di Gamba from 1875 was kept. The pedal was enlarged with five transmissions from the Hoofdwerk, to make it more useable. The pedal reeds from 1875 were also renewed. On June 25, 1965, the instrument was officially inaugurated.
  • Henk van Eeken restored the organ in the years 2001-2008. This was a technical restoration, including a rebuild of parts of the blowing system and the bellows. Van Eeken exchanged the pedal Schalmey 4' from 1964 by a new Trompet 8'. On July 12, 2008, the organ was reinaugurated.
  • The building was in strong need of a major restoration. When all the funds were there, the works could be carried out in the years 2013-2019. The organ was packed during the works, but it was necessary to clean the entire instrument. The work was carried out by Flentrop in 2019, and this included also a new technical revision. Church and organ were taken in use again on September 21, 2019 (official) and September 22, 2019 (church service).

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Hoofdwerk10
- Bovenwerk7
- Pedaal7 (2)
Nombre de jeux total24 (19)
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests
TempératureEqual temperament

Hoofdwerk (C-f'''): Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Holpijp 8', Octaaf 4', Open Fluijt 4', Quint 3', Superoctaaf 2', Cornet IV sterk (from a), Mixtuur IV sterk, Trompet 8' - 1964.
Bovenwerk (C-f'''): Viola di Gamba 8' - 1875, Holpijp 8', Gemshoorn 4', Roerfluijt 4', Quint 3', Open Fluijt 2' - 1964, Dulciaan 8' - 1964.
Pedaal (C-f'): Bourdon 16' - transmissie, Prestant 8' - transmissie, Holpijp 8' - transmissie, Octaaf 4' - transmissie, Fluijt 4' - transmissie, Fagot 16' - 1964, Trompet 8' - 2008.
Accouplements: Hoofdwerk - Bovenwerk, Pedaal - Hoofdwerk, Pedaal - Bovenwerk.

Autres données des dispositions
Autres dispositions The original stop list was:
Hoofdwerk: Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Holpijp 8', Octaav 4', Open Fluijt 4', Quint 3', Super Octaav 2', Mixtuur 3, 4 sterk, Cornet 4 sterk, Fagot-Trompet 8'.
Bovenwerk: Holpijp 8', Gemshoorn 8', Roerfluijt 4', Quint Gedackt 3', Open Fluijt 2', Dulciaan 8'.
Pedaal: pull down.
Manual coupler (bas/discant).
  • Uit de orgelbouwwereld. - In: Het Orgelblad, jrg. 4 nr. 10, oktober 1961.
  • Orgelbouwnieuws. - In: Het Orgel, jrg. 61 nr. 5, mei 1965.
  • Uit de orgelbouwwereld. - In: Het Orgelblad, jrg. 8 nr. 12, december 1965.
  • Waalse Kerk Haarlem / Documentatie Orgelcentrum. - In: Het Orgelblad, jrg. 10 nr. 10, oktober 1967.
  • Bij de foto's / Jan Jongepier. - In: Het Orgel, jrg. 64 nr. 2, februari 1968.
  • Excursienieuws / W.H. Ouwehand. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 10 nr. 9, september 1968.
  • Herstel in Haarlem bekostigd uit antieke orgelklank. - Elseviers Weekblad, 24 januari 1981.
  • Enige orgeldisposities van J.C. Friederichs / F.W. Huisman. - In: De Mixtuur, nr. 35, mei 1981.
  • De orgelmaker Johan Caspar Friederichs / F.W. Huisman. - In: De Mixtuur, nr. 35, mei 1981.
  • Het orgel in de Waalse kerk te Haarlem en zijn bouwer. - In: Het Orgel, jrg. 80 nr. 10, oktober 1984.
  • Over de Toer-In orgeltochten in 't bijzonder en orgeltochten in het algemeen / Willem van Twillert. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 30 nr. 10, oktober 1988.
  • Orgels in Noord-Holland : Historie, bouw en gebruik van de Noordhollandse kerkorgels / Jan Jongepier, Hans van Nieuwkoop, Willem Poot. - Schoorl : Uitgeverij Pirola, 1996.
  • De geschiedenis van de Waalse Kerk en haar orgels / Jan de Bloeme. - Alphen aan den Rijn: Canaletto / Repro-Holland, 1997.
  • Het historische orgel in Nederland 1790 - 1818 / Jan Jongepier (eindred.). - Amsterdam : Stichting NIvO, 1999. - (Encyclopedie Het Historische Orgel in Nederland ; 4).
  • [Kort] : Orgel Waalse Kerk Haarlem in restauratie / Kees Rosenhart. - In: De Orgelkrant, jrg. 6, nr. 9, september 2001.
  • Gestolde tijd : Waalse Kerk van Haarlem - Église Wallonne de Haarlem : Hoe een restauratie geleidelijk de historie blootlegt van de vroegere Begijnenkerk, de oudste kerk van Haarlem / Cor Bouwstra, Stef Gerrits, Wido Choufour ; Benne Holwerda [red.]. - Haarlem : Waalse Kerk, 2019.
Enregistrements Kees Rosenhart bespeelt het orgel van de Waalse- of Begijnenkerk te Haarlem / Kees Rosenhart. - Haarlem : Eglise Wallone 6812 059 (LP). - 1976.
Lièns https://waalsekerkhaarlem.nl/orgel/

Photo: Dirco Oskam. Datation: 19 July 2015.
Photo: Dirco Oskam
Photo: Dirco Oskam. Datation: 19 July 2015.
Photo: Dirco Oskam
Photo: Dirco Oskam. Datation: 19 July 2015.
Photo: Dirco Oskam
Photo: Dirco Oskam. Datation: 19 July 2015.
Photo: Dirco Oskam
Photo: Dirco Oskam. Datation: 19 July 2015.
Photo: Dirco Oskam
Photo: Dirco Oskam. Datation: 19 July 2015.
Photo: Dirco Oskam
Photo: Dirco Oskam. Datation: 19 July 2015.
Photo: Dirco Oskam
Photo: Dirco Oskam. Datation: 19 July 2015.
Photo: Dirco Oskam
Photo: Piet Bron. Datation: 18 April 2013.
Photo: Piet Bron